My mind wanders from present to past… past when you were little. Even to when I was dreaming about you before I even was pregnant with you….. God gave me the gift of you and your sister. And I am so deeply grateful for the honour of being your Mommy.
You had the fairest blonde hair… and this cute little tuff that would pop up no matter how we pat it down. 🙂 it was you!
Your smile was contagious!! Your ability to always see the happy side of everything!! And your incredible willingness to help at anything…. I’m soooo glad for the nights I fell asleep with you in my arms in the rocking chair for being able to hold you and feel you breathe.
I remember sitting with a very small you at the computer and we were playing the kids games online…. the simplest funny voice I would make as we moved the mouse you would giggle and giggle!
Your sister misses you terribly! My heart aches for her pain. I know too well the absence of a sister…. the empty lonely feeling facing the world by yourself. I hug her EVERYDAY…. LOTS!! And tell her the tighter I squeeze is an extra hug from you!! After God gave me you… I prayed for another child so that you wouldn’t be alone….. God gave us Hailey!! My world was complete.
You ARE the best big sister to Hailey!!
You helped Mommy take care of her…. you were the only one that could comfort her during car rides, you are the one she wanted to tell her stories to. She has a huge empty space that I am trying hard to fill for her… not to replace you… but to give her your love!!