Having a little trouble …

I’m having some trouble going through the pages of Facebook and re-living the torment of seeing you slip away from me.  I can so remember the day before having you diagnosed… I carried you to school because you couldn’t walk.  My heart sank as I dropped you off at school and asked for you to have an indoor recess in the quiet room…. I had to leave for work.  As I walked back home to get my car and leave for work, I had a heavy sinking feeling deep inside.  I cried out loud, Please, please don’t touch by baby girl!  Leave her alone!  But as much as I pleaded all day… I came home to her fever scorching high and in a tremendous amount of pain! Off to the hospital we went.  My mind racing thinking of all the possibilities this could be.  Never once did I think it could have been cancer.  It never ever crossed my mind.