My baby-girl… ❤️❤️❤️ – Aug 4 2016

My baby-girl… ❤️❤️❤️
What I would give to see your beautiful face smile and hear your giggles, hold your hand and hear you say Mom. I miss our morning snuggles… Our quiet time thoughts together. I miss your hugs and kisses. I miss thinking at night as I fell asleep what adventure you and your sister were going to explore the following day.
I miss the sharing of the excitement leading up to and then experiencing an new adventure with you.
My tears fall from the empty spot in my heart from missing your presence here.

This time last year, we were getting ready to send you and Hailey off to camp.
I was soooo afraid to let you go . I cried inside when Marilyn said there was a spot open for you guys.
As afraid as I was to send you off for the week… I was sooo very excited for you both to have the chance to experience camp. You both accomplished so much when you were there!
I see so much of you in your sister.
You truly were the best big sister ever.

You ALWAYS make and made my heart smile big!

My tears fall from the empty spot in my heart from missing your presence here.