Diabetes – Type 1

This is a journey through mine and my late husband’s dating years and into our almost 20 years of marriage.

I will share my experiences of the challenges and trials of living with a brittle diabetic.

Please keep in mind here that my first understanding of a diabetic was that they just couldn’t have sugar. We didn’t have the internet and computers were just starting to come out.   Our information came from the doctors, nurses and the pamphlets they gave us. It was only at the time of his first “low” with me, after we were married, that we were introduced to a Diabetic Educator and enrolled into the course to learn how to manage this disease.  This is the main reason for my wanting to write about my journeys … hoping to be able to help someone BEFORE they reach a critical point.  And to also, help non-diabetics realize that it isn’t just a one person disease.  It affects everyone within the family and friends.

It's only a BAD DAY if you say it is